Visiting Researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, Faculté d'Economie et de Gestion: Forschungstätigkeit
Visiting Faculty at Portland State University, School of Business Administration: Lehrtätigkeit
since 04/2013
Institute for International Research on Sustainable Management and Renewable Energy: Director
since 03/2012
Nuertingen-Geislingen University: Professor for international management and renewable energy
since 05/2011
Independent management consultant
06/2007 – 04/2011
NAWARO BioEnergie AG (http://www.nawaro.ag/de/): Director, last position: CFO, board member
10/1998 - 05/2007
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants (www.rolandberger.com), Munich and Tokyo: Senior Project Manager
10/1991 – 09/1993
Siemens AG, Transportation Systems Division, Braunschweig and Berlin (www.siemens.com): Commercial apprenticeship
01/2005 – 09/2006
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany: Doctoral program in business administration, Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D.)
10/1993 – 09/1998
Mannheim University and Heidelberg University, Germany: Studies in business administration and Japanese studies, Diplom-Kaufmann (Master’s degree)
04/1997 – 03/1998
Hitotsubashi University, Japan, Graduate School of Commerce: Research Student
Appointments/Memberships in Professional Societies
- Deputy chairman of the sustainability advisory board of Barmenia Insurance Companies (http://www.barmenia.de/
- Member of the scientific advisory committee of B.A.U.M. (http://www.baum-ev.de/scripts/basics/eco-world/service/main/basics.prg)
- Member of the biogaspartner project at the German Energy Agency (http://www.biogaspartner.de/en/about.html)
- Member of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (http://vsjf.net/home-2/?lang=en)
Reviewer for Scientific Journals
- Energy Policy
- Energy, Sustainability and Society
- Sustainability
- Journal of Cleaner Production
Reviewer/Expert funding organizations
- Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.
Module: Intercultural Management (4 SWS; only in summer term)
Module: Strategic Management in an International Context (4 SWS, only in summer term)
- Introduction into International Management (2 SWS)
- Case study seminar: International Market Entry Strategies (2 SWS)
Module: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (" SWS)
Module: Marketing & Sustainability (4 SWS)
Seminar: Methodische Grundlagen II (Academic Writing, 2 SWS)
Vorlesung: Erneuerbare Energien - ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Aspekte (4 SWS)