TV3: Evaluation of ecosystem services


It is not to be expected that 100% of customers will have an increased willingness to pay for regional products from biodiversity-promoting production. However, it is expected that the topic of “protecting by using” will raise awareness among larger groups of customers due to the visualization of the added value of biodiversity in the usual shopping setting and in communal catering. This can increase market share, especially if these products are only marginally more expensive than comparable products.  

Aims of the subproject

In subproject 3, the data from subprojects 1 and 2 will be used to determine the costs and benefits of biodiversity-enhancing production methods and, based on the results of the consumer research in TV 5, a regional, individual farm-based concept for the monetization of ecosystem services will be developed. The results are used to evaluate the economic impact of biodiversity at a regional level and to derive concepts for internalization.

Procedure in the subproject

For the conceptual design, the production methods “Beef from extensive grassland” and “Beef based on biodiv maize” are first defined, which take into account both the economic parameters and the ecological and biodiversity parameters (with the help of the indicators from TV 1 + 2). Based on this, trade-offs can be identified via a process comparison and optimal, site-adapted processes and their biodiversity services can be evaluated and monetized. Following this process-oriented consideration, these methods are integrated into the overall farm level in order to be able to quantify and evaluate the overall ecosystem services in typical model farms with the help of optimization models. In addition, a comparison of the economic and ecological effects between grassland-based and maize-based beef production will be made.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Braun (HfWU Nürtingen)

Dr. sc. agr. Susanne Ufer (HfWU Nürtingen)

Further Information