TV7: Future scenarios and science communication


TV7 is cross-cutting to the functional subprojects 1 to 6. It has a stakeholder-integrating task on the one hand, and a structuring task on a content-strategic level on the other, and thus overall a participatory function of scenario and strategy development.
Subprojects 1 to 6 are integrated in this subproject.

Aims to the subproject

The aim is for both the genesis and the utilization of the research activities to integrate all relevant target groups along the value chain from the outset, so that the findings reach beyond the scientific environment and develop a high degree of practical relevance and, ideally, acceptance.

TV7 bundles the findings of the individual work steps and will use them to develop future scenarios for the “production, trade and consumption of biodiversity-promoting food”.

Procedure in the subproject

In terms of methodology, TV7 is based on the concept of “stakeholder-based scenario and strategy development”, whose participatory approach is realized in the form of stakeholder workshops. In the further course, central ecological, economic, social and political influencing factors as well as interdependencies (reinforcing, contradictory, neutral relationships) between the influencing factors are to be identified in the individual basic usage scenarios. The findings regarding influencing factors and interdependencies will provide impetus for the scientific sub-projects.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Zanker (HfWU Nürtingen)

Prof. Dr. Christian Arndt (HfWU Nürtingen)

M.Sc. Elisa Fetzer (HfWU Nürtingen)

Further Information