Institute of Applied Agricultural Research (IAAR)
About us
The Institute of Applied Agricultural Research (IAAR) is based at Nürtingen-Geislingen University (NGU).
It functions as a research and develepment institution as well as service provider in both the agricultural sector and equine management. Our research addresses questions related to the sustainable use of natural resources and the optimisation of production-related and economic framework conditions for sustainable agriculture.
Our main research areas include:
- Agroecology
- Agricultural engineering
- Business administration
- Ethology
- Equine management
- Crop farming
- Phytomedicine
- Animal feeding
- Animal husbandry
Within the framework of our research projects we often cooperate with private sector organisations and consultants. We implement our experiments both at the teaching and pilot farms Tachenhausen and Jungborn as well as at working farms in cooperation with farmers. We take up questions from practice and feed them back directly.
other publications only available in German
Managing Director

