MLab - Innovation and Methods Lab
Start here and discover the MLab!
The modern spatial concept of the MLab enables groups to employ a variety of methods for NGU project work. Access to the MLab is available to:
⇒ students
⇒ faculty
⇒ employees
The MLab can serve as a contact point for:
- application and deployment of methods within the scope of:
→ innovation and creativity
→ quantitative and qualitative research
→ additional educational or scientific activity
The MLab offers:
- access to hard- and software
- modern surroundings for research and teaching
⇒ Explore the possibilities of the MLab and how to use it!
How can I use the MLab
- use the flexible spatial concept for honing optimal working atmospheres:
→ for example, be creative by using the interactive whiteboard
- concretise and test ideas:
→ elaborate and refine tasks supported by powerfull tools and software (prototyping)
- usability tests: products, websites, etc.
- peer group discussions and behavioural research
- personal or telephone-based interviews
- "hybrid" surveys:
→ automatized paper-and-pencil and/or online polling - analysis of cross-sectional, panel or time-series data
- game theory and simulation models:
→ modeling and numeric solution of formal mockups
- The MLab serves as a communication platform for international and transdisciplinary projects:
→ communicate between research teams
→ meet research fellows and/or business contacts
→ Learning-by-doing as "best-practice" acquisition of methodological competence
The MLab connects education with real economic issues. The MLab helps to combine research and practical methods. True value added will be created by matching NGU`s most valuable resources ⇒our students and our faculty⇐ with companies, organizations and public institutions.
Cooperation is possible at various levels:
- bachelor and master theses
- projects (seminar papers/research projects)
- academic training and workshops
The MLab always welcomes its users in many possible configurations.
- furnishings can be moved easily:
→ seat-cubes and bench
→ conference table
→ bar table and bookracks that serve as screens
- creation of subgroups and a variety workstations:
→ separating elements serve as noise insulation as well as display boards
→ SMART® 800 Series Interactive Whiteboard
→ BARCO® "Clickshare" presentation equipment
→ POLYCOM® "Conference Station" video system
→ Alcatel-Lucent® "IP Desktop Softphone" for telephone surveys
→ ultrabooks and tablet PC inc. software for quantitative/qualitative research
→ Brother™ scanner for autodetection during paper-pencil based surveys
→ mobile projector (Epson™ wireless tech.)
→ digital voice recorder (Olympus™)
→ workshop material and "sketch@work" FlipChart
Software for Interactive Whiteboards:
→ "SMART Notebook®"
quantitative software:
evaluation software:
→ "QuestorPro" and "SoSci Survey"
digital transcription software:
→ "f4transkript" and "MAXQDA"
online meeting tools:
→ "Skype for Business" and "GoToMeeting"
digital image processing and video-maker:
→ Adobe "Lightroom" and "Premier Elements"
Steps to access the MLab
- Send us your inquiry by using the contact form or give us a call.
- Schedule your appointment with us.
- Come work on your project at the MLab!
Entry requirements
- You are working on a concrete and sufficently significant project (e.g. paper or research project)
- You require specific MLab soft and/or hardware equipment
- You are willing to document findings and methodology and share data (if possible)
- You welcome the opportunity to share your expertise in application of methods with others.
MLab News