Prof. Dr. Allmendinger
Prof. Dr. Allmendinger
About us
The IT services are a central institution at Nürtingen-Geislingen University. We offer a wide range of services to all members of the university. We specialize in the following:
- Administration of the campus network
- Supporting network services such as email and internet
- User support and advice
- Centralized procurement of hardware and software and IT consumables
- Maintenance of the PC rooms and media lecture rooms
PC rooms with modern equipment are available to our students at both our locations. In Nürtingen, there are 3 PC rooms available with 80 workspaces altogether and in Geislingen two PC rooms with 42 workspaces. All our PC rooms are equipped with the same standard software and, depending on the faculty, with some additional specific software.
Our newly introduced ticketing system allows users to report faults and problems automatically by way of email. This enables us to quickly and efficiently address any problems and solve them. Using this information, we are also compiling a knowledge database to enable us to resolve any future faults in a sustainable and standardized way.
Information for users
Newly enrolled students
After you have been enrolled, a user account will be created for you automatically which will give you access to all university computers in the PC rooms and lecture rooms including storage space for your personal data. Your personal user ID will also allow you to access all the systems relevant to students:
- Our email system OutlookWebApp
- Our campus platform neo
- Our student self-management platform Selma
- Various online services offered by the Library
- The eduroam wi-fi network
You will receive an email address, which you are required to use since this is the university’s official communication channel.
Detailed user guides, information and announcements by the IT services are available in neo under the institution ZO-IZ IT-Dienste. You should subscribe to it to allow you to have quick access and to benefit from the full range of services we offer.
Students and teaching staff
You will find all the necessary information on using our services in neo under ZO IZ IT-Dienste
(If you log into neo first and then click on the link, you will be forwarded directly to our institution ZO IZ IT-Dienste.)
You should subscribe to it to allow you to have quick access and to benefit from the full range of services we offer.
Staff members and professors
You will find important notices, information and user guides in the HfWU-Portal
(Tab: "Documents"; Administration → IT Services)
You will also find all our user guides in neo under the institution ZO IZ IT-Dienste.
University guests can use the internet through the eduroam wi-fi network. This only works if your home institution is also affiliated to eduroam. Authentication always takes place in your home network, which means that you can log in using your personal user data.
Guest lecturers can apply for a guest account. To set this up, we require confirmation by a professor or another university official stating that the account is required for teaching and research purposes. The guest account will be valid for the duration stated on the form.
Forgot your password?
Please enter your username and the captcha text. You will then be sent a password reset link to your private email address which will enable you to change your password.
Please note: The following link and the link which will be sent to your private email address will not work in Nürtingen-Geislingen University’s network or on eduroam/wi-fi. The link from the email can only be used once.
Password self-service
Media equipment
Our media equipment department is in charge of procuring media and installing them, lending out media upon request, technical support in the lecture rooms and during events as well as maintenance tasks. They can also be contacted when there are problems with presentations.
If you require help, please contact
Contact/Contact person
Problems, requests, suggestions? Please let us know your concern:
Your message to us: