International Financial Management (B.Sc.)
Study focus
Majors International Finance - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
In the 5th and 7th semester one of the two concentrations - "International Finance" or "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" - must be taken.
In total, students must choose 7 modules, whereby 4 modules are taken in one of the two concentrations and 3 modules are freely selectable. At least 2 of the 3 freely selectable modules must come from the elective module offer of the 7th semester, a maximum of 1 freely selectable module can come from the other focus or from the offer of the study programs BWB, VWB or the interdisciplinary HfWU modules."
Basic studies
The basic studies are learned through the development of subject-specific general knowledge. This ensures that all graduates of a degree program have the same basic knowledge. In the in-depth studies, students acquire, as the name suggests, in-depth knowledge in mostly self-selected in-depth modules. Here, the future graduates specialize and make their first career decisions. The semester structure varies depending on the program, but all Bachelor's programs are required to have a practical semester to gain initial experience and find out whether the chosen career field would also be conceivable in the long term
Professional fields
The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree provides students with the best qualifications for careers in areas of finance:
Valuation and Risk Management
Portfolio and fund management
Research and Financial Consulting
Controlling and Finance
Current internships/job offers in the field of "International Finance" can be found under Career entry & Career
Accreditation by AQAS
Through the implementation of a system accreditation, the university’s quality management system is certified. Very high standards are applied in this process. Checks are carried out to ascertain that all the formal requirements for the bachelor’s and master’s programs are adhered to. Evidence must be provided that all the internal structures and processes guarantee a high quality in the programs and that a systematic procedure is in place which is used to continuously evaluate and develop the degree programs on offer.
System accreditation is a very complex procedure that demands high standards from the whole university. One of the rewards is the autonomy the university gains. Another one is that the university as an institution commits itself to high quality standards and systematically strives to achieve them.
The AQAS accreditation committee has granted system accreditation to Nürtingen-Geislingen University on 13 November 2013 and awarded the accreditation council’s seal.
Nürtingen-Geislingen University has therefore successfully completed the system accreditation process. Having been awarded system accreditation, the University is now entitled to accredit its own degree programs provided all the relevant legal requirements are adhered to, and to award these programs with the accreditation council’s seal.
In Germany, Nürtingen-Geislingen is the fifteenth university of applied sciences to be system accredited. In Baden-Württemberg it is in 4th place.
Accreditation Pathway
On November 13, 2013, the Accreditation Commission of AQAS granted system accreditation to NGU and awarded the seal of the Accreditation Council.
Nationwide, NGU is the 15th university to be system accredited, in Baden-Württemberg NGU is ranked 4th.
Current status and perspectives
As part of the system accreditation, Nürtingen-Geislingen University has developed an internal procedure for accrediting its own degree programs: the so-called ‘quality dialog’. This is where, on the basis of a formalized quality portfolio, the programs present their achievements and their current development stage to the Rectorate. The points that are also relevant in an external accreditation process are discussed. In this context, the evaluation carried out by external experts who assist the programs as advisors is taken into account. The feedback received from students from within and without the university is also taken into consideration in this ‘quality dialog’. The result of the dialog is documented in an agreement between the Rectorate and the degree program; it might contain certain conditions and deadlines and when these must be met.
By now, all of Nürtingen-Geislingen University’s degree programs have undergone this ‘quality dialog’ several times. In most cases, only very few additional conditions have been imposed.
During the course of these processes, the ‘quality portfolio’ and ‘quality dialog’ methods were continuously developed. For example, the students have been involved more in the process, the documentation of the external experts’ involvement has been defined more clearly and the University’s internal quality assurance provisions for the degree programs have been stipulated in a quality control ordinance.
In December 2016, Nürtingen-Geislingen University submitted its report for the interim evaluation to AQAS. In June 2017, AQAS’ accreditation committee approved the report submitted for the interim evaluation.
It is fair to say that the internal quality assurance processes have proven successful and that they are suitable tools for further improving the quality of the degree programs at Nürtingen-Geislingen University. Nürtingen-Geislingen University is therefore in a good position for the next system accreditation in 2022.
For this system accreditation, Nürtingen-Geislingen University in conjunction with Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (HdM) and Hochschule Furtwangen (HFU) has applied for an alternative procedure which was commenced at the end of 2020.
Application and admission
The application procedure is carried out online via the Registrar's Office.
All necessary information and forms can be found under the item Application Portals ""Online Application Bachelor"".
Hints for the language certificate
Check if the study program suits you with HfWU-FIVE
On the HfWU-FIVE platform, you can use an online self-assessment to check whether the course of study suits me, try out course-specific tasks and explore the professional world. The platform is in the pilot phase and under construction. Unfortunately, the videos on student life are not yet available due to the pandemic, but will be added as soon as possible.
And now have fun!
If something is unclear, please contact us by mail at
First semester students
Welcome to our HfWU
You have made it, received your letter of admission, enrolled and are now part of our large community. Before your first semester begins, we would like to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most common topics so that nothing stands in the way of your successful studies. Please note, however, that we are only providing general information and tips here. You can find more detailed information about your particular course of study on the page for your course of study.
IFB lecture schedules
With login data to neo: You can find information about your lecture schedules in neo at:
Without login data to neo: In addition, you can get an overview of your events on the start page of neo under Event List after entering Course Schedule, Event Type and Date.
General semester dates: Information on this can be found under Service General semester dates
IFB is also on Instagram
Follow us on Instagram (@isf_hfwu) and get all the news. That way you won't miss a thing. What more could you want? And also in the current special time we are there for you via Instagram.
Even after graduation, we want to stay in touch with our former students, the alumni.
Alumni information, networks and job exchange
We invite all alumni to connect with us through our LinkedIn group and become a member of our Friends IF.
Study tester sessions / Tester courses
In the taster study you can get to know the HfWU and the subjects you are interested in. You will gain insights into your chosen subject, experience student life, talk to students and get first-hand reports of your experiences. The trial study program is offered once a semester during the Whitsun and fall breaks.
NGU International School of Finance ISF
The ISF International School of Finance is the common umbrella for all finance degree programs, the research institutes and all student and alumni activities at HfWU.
Current students
Internationality / Year abroad
The core of the program is the integrated study abroad program.
All students spend an academic year at one of our partner universities on one of the five continents.
Globalization means that the world is growing together. Experience abroad is increasingly demanded by employers, and in some cases even required. HfWU prepares you for this development through numerous cooperations with partner universities around the world.
Note on applying to study abroad: (Erasmus/Exchange = without tuition fees, Study Abroad = with tuition fees)
You can find more information about studying abroad on the pages of the International Office.
To round off the international orientation, some lectures are already held in English in the basic studies. Additional language courses are offered by the university's own Continuing Education Academy (WAF).
Scholarships and funding opportunities
Here you will find an overview of the various scholarships and funding for stays abroad.
Student engagement
Cooperation between the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH and Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences
In a joint project with GIZ and its partners, students of HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen have worked together with Ndejje University in Uganda to implement a pilot project for a more sustainable and efficient water supply. The goal of the project is to find the best possible technical as well as financial solution for the individual pilot stations. The application developed during the project will help analyze the water stations in over 250 towns and assist in investment decisions.
Effects Parquet
Effekten-Parkett is the stock exchange association at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences, which was founded in 1995 with the aim of promoting and strengthening the stock culture among students at the HfWU and in cooperation with other stock exchange associations at colleges and universities in Germany.
For this purpose, the securities floor offers specialized lectures with renowned speakers. In addition to theoretical education, the main focus here is on building bridges into practice. Furthermore, the Effekten-Parkett sees itself as a networking platform.
Student initiatives
In the International Financial Management program, we very much welcome our students' involvement in the individual Student Initiatives. The range of student initiatives at HfWU is very diverse.
Student co-determination / Student Council
If you would like to have a student say and actively participate in your Faculty FBF or in your degree program, please contact the Fachschaft FBF directly.
The student council of the Faculty of Business Administration and International Finance (FBF) consists of 6 members who are elected by the entire faculty and represent the interests of the students of the study programs ""Business Administration"" and "International Financial Management"" in the faculty council.
However, the central task of the student council is the political representation of the students. In addition, the student council will be happy to provide you with advice and support."
What our graduates/alumni say
Richard Owusu
"When I say that I had an idea beforehand of how helpful this degree program would be for me, I am not telling the truth.
Financial Management has changed my whole perspective of life, it has given me the courage to face the business world with confidence.
I'm recommending this degree to everyone and I really learned a lot in the project innovation course."
Richard Owusu (2022) Business owner Organic building service management / Xtra Aesthetic clinic / Eco fish farm
Lennart Berning
"My time at HfWU was very valuable for me, both personally and professionally. After training as a bank clerk and doing some research, it was clear to me that the unique focus of the International Financial Management program was just right for me. The international orientation, the combination of mathematical-statistical tools and financial theory made my decision for HfWU very easy.
Not only during my subsequent master's studies did the fundamentals taught at HfWU help me understand more advanced, complex theories of research. The excellent professors at HfWU are also very close to the students and can support them individually. Being curious and always asking questions is part of the self-image of teaching at HfWU. I still haven't gotten out of the habit of doing that. True to the motto 'tibi semper rogabat'. Thank you HfWU."
Lennart Berning, Head of Dataservices & Support - BayernLB (2022), M.Sc. Finance - Durham University, B.Sc. International Finance - HfWU, Bankkaufmann (IHK)
Benjamin Stegmann
In the 3.5 years of study, the bachelor's degree program "International Financial Management" gave me the necessary tools to understand the financial market today and to be able to put my knowledge into practice. In addition, I was able to determine that through this study program one has a clear knowledge advantage in financial topics compared to other bachelor's degree programs in economics. In addition, the university fulfills the requirement to teach the subject matter in an applied and practice-oriented manner. Due to two obligatory semesters abroad and an internship semester, the studies always remain exciting and you are elevated to a higher level, both humanly and professionally. You are always accompanied by the professors and the organizational team, but there is still enough room for an important asset of every study program: self-organization. Looking back, would I choose the program again?
Benjamin Stegmann, M.Sc. Accounting and Finance (UAS Frankfurt), Werkstudent Eurex Frankfurt AG (Januar 2018)
Mario Sattler
"The Bachelor's degree in "International Financial Management" not only offers the opportunity to consistently build up a broad knowledge of financial management, but also provides the opportunity to discover new cultures and languages during the year abroad. The large number of options is certainly an advantage and was also one of the reasons for me to choose the HfWU. Another advantage of this study program is its strong practical orientation, which is an enormous advantage for the integrated internship semester.
In summary, I would like to say that I can only recommend the IFB degree program in every respect, as students are challenged and specifically supported here."
Mario Sattler B.Sc. (December 2017)
Steffen Föll
"I have had nothing but positive experiences with the International Financial Management program and the Bachelor of Science degree, and I can highly recommend it to anyone who is interested.
If you don't want to study the whole spectrum of general business administration and have an affinity for the world of finance, this degree program is a good choice.
In addition, this degree program is particularly characterized by a year abroad, which, in addition to the foreign language and the specialist knowledge imparted, is also associated with personal development.
An internship semester offers the opportunity to gain initial insights into the professional world. With this degree, there are good opportunities to work for banks, auditing companies, building societies, investment companies or international companies.
At this point, I would like to express my special thanks to the staff of the International Office, the IF Office, and the professors at HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen."
Steffen Föll, Firmenkundenbetreuer Volksbank Rottweil (2022) / Trainee DZ Bank, Frankfurt am Main (2015)

News International Finance Management

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E-Mail KoPra: kopra@no
Studienfach- und -lernberater IBIS in FBF