Profile - Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stephan Kippes
Studies of Economics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich with the focus on Industrial enterprises taught by Professor Heinen and Professor Kirsch, as well as on planning taught by Professor Kirsch.
from 1990 to 1994: staff member of the globally working central unit for PR and Market Communication (ZOA) of BASF AG in the field of market communication / corporate identity.
from 1991 to 1995: PhD as Dr. rer. pol. Subject of the dissertation: "Negotiation processes between enterprises and administrations in the field of environment protection, with special consideration of residual pollution". 1996 reward for the dissertation: Research Prize of the University of the German military forces (Bundeswehr).
since 1994: Deputy Director of the Association of German Real Estate Agents (Ring Deutscher Makler) RDM, Regional Federation of Bavaria and of the RDM-Bayern GmbH - Institute for Real Estate Market Research and Vocational Training (Institut für Immobilienforschung und Berufsbildung); since 1995: Managing Director.
1995 - 2003: Activity in the advisory committee of the Munich-based Real Estate Trade Fair "IMMOFAIR" of the Messe Munich GmbH.
from 1995 to 1999: Member of the Examination Committee for "Qualified Agents and Officers for Housing and Real Estate Business" (Fachwirt der Grundstücks- und Wohnungswirtschaft) of the Chamber of Commerce for Munich and the Upper Bavaria.
1995 - 2005: editor in chief of the real estate magazine "Bayern Aktuell" of the German Real Estate Society RDM Bayern.
1995-2001: part-time lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Siences for the course of studies: Real Estate Business.
from 1996: executive officer of the IVD-Institute Institute for Real Estate Market Research and Vocational Training
from 1996 to 1998: Member of the advisory committee of the Expo Real of the Messe München GmbH.
since 1998: part-time lecturer at the Fachhochschule Nürtingen. Name of the lecture: Real Estate Agencies (Maklerwesen).
from 1999: Professor for real estate marketing and real estate agencies at Nuertingen-Geislingen University
from 2003:
member of the board of editors of the “Journal for Real Estate Economics” which is published by the Association for Real Estate Research (GIF)Forschung (GIF)
from 2003:
Member of the jury of the German Real Estate Marketing-Award
2004/2005: Sabbatical in Sydney
from 2005: Editor in Chief of the magazine „Real Estate Professional“ („Immobilien Professional“) of the German real estate asscoiation IVD-Süd
from 2006: Member of the jury of „Immo-Idea“ Award
from 2009: Head of the jury of the German Real Estate Marketing-Award (http://www.hfwu.de/immobilien-marketing-award )
from 2010: he is annually publishing the German wide empirical survey “MARKTMONITOR IMMOBILIEN” (http://www.marktmonitor-immobilien.de ) with the real estate site IMMOWELT