Official Opening with Panel Discussion: "Teaching Sustainable Development"

Monday June 8 2015,
from 7 – 10 pm
Location: HfWU Campus Braike, Foyer Neubau, Schelmenwasen 4-8, Nürtingen
Please write us an email for registration.
Please give your full name, and your institution. If you want also to register for an accompanying person, please enter her name and institution as well. Thank you very much!
Dr. Holger Fischer
News KoWU
7 pm Reception
7:30 pm Official Opening of the International Week
Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey, Rector, Nürtingen-Geislingen University
Franz Untersteller, Secretary of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Baden-Wuerttemberg
8 pm Panel discussion on "Teaching Sustainable Development"
9 pm Buffet
Additional information
Panel discussion: Integrating education on Sustainable Development in the teaching at the university
Guest lecturers:
Albrecht Enders (Portland State University, USA)
Magdaléna Drastichová (VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Nürtingen-Geislingen University:
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Müller
Prof. Dr. Susanne Gervers
Prof. Dr. Christian Arndt
The general aim of the panel discussion is to exchange on and develop further concepts of teaching sustainable development at the university.
- Is there a Science of Sustainable Development (SD)? How can we teach it at the university?
- How can we integrate SD into the regular schedules?
- Do we need a pluralistic view on SD?
- What is SD in your disciplines’ context?
- How is it justified/ motivated? What approaches do you prefer in your discipline?
- Can we teach SD without an interdisciplinary context?
- Do we need an interdisciplinary framework for teaching SD?
· Centre for economics and the environment (KoWU)
· International Office of the NGU
· WAF Weiterbildungsakademie (academy for professional education)