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Forschungsprojekte (Auswahl)
- Kopernikus Energiewende-Projekt ARIADNE des BMBF
- Energiesysteme der Zukunft, Arbeitsgruppe Energie-Governance der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech), Leopoldina und der Union der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
- Global Berlin in the 21st Century (BMBF, AGYA, 2021-2023); with Humboldt Universität Berlin, Reiner Lemoine Institut Berlin
- Minimizing COVID-19 Fatigue Through Social Media (BMBF, AGYA, 2021); with; Gulf University Kuwait
- Sustainable Investment in the Arab Region and Germany (BMBF, 2021/2022); with Gulf University Kuwait
- Workshop Energy and Climate Modelling (BMBF, AGYA,2021); with University of Bristol, Reiner Lemoine Institut Berlin
- Decomposition of energy consumption data in Morocco, Algeria and Germany (BMBF, AGYA, 2021); with University of Bristol
- European policy-making: Assessing stakeholder interests and lobbying along the European Green Deal (BMBF 2019-2021); with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
- Structural changes through green transitions in Germany and the US (2021/2022); with California State University
- Digitalization of the provision of public goods (energy and water) in Germany and MENA countries (BMBF, AGYA 2019); with American University of Ras-El-Khaima, UAE
- Smart cities: Comparison between approaches in the MENA region and Germany (BMBF, AGYA, 2017-2019); with Université d’Algers; Université St. Joseph Beirut, American University of Beirut
- Machine learning and big data used for energy efficiency in buildings (BMBF, AGYA, 2018); with CERIST - Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique, Algiers
- Forschungsprojekte zu Klimaschutz und Energiethemen im Rahmen der Arab German Young Academy der Berlin Brandenburger Akademie der Wissenschaften - AGYA
- Forschung zu Hochschuldidaktik im Rahmen des Projekts Phoenix
Institute for International Research on Sustainable Management and Renewable Energy (ISR)
- Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik (European Green Deal)
- Energiepolitik (Fokus Energieeffizienz und Erneuerbare Energien)
- Internationale Energiepolitik
- Klimaschutzpolitik
- Umweltökonomie
- Public sector management & governance